Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Lie of Perfection

The last thing that I want to do is another blog about Ted Haggard! It seems that everywhere on the internet and in the media everybody is talking about Ted's indiscretion. Although I'm saddened by the news, I'm more saddened by the reaction of the Christian community, however I must admit the we do set ourselves up for it. As a Pastor I'm a professional Christian, you could almost say I'm paid to be good! So what happens if a pastor isn't good, well first thing we do is fire him! Why? Because he's not perfect like we made him out to be. I have lived through some tough stuff with pastor's that have been let go of their positions due to "immorality" and it's a really harsh reality. What other job can you lose if you sin? Sometimes you don't just lose your job, but you lose your reputation, and possibly your family. Wow! You can even be the president of the United states and get away with more.
Now with that said, I do think that as a spiritual leader I need to practice what I preach. I think that if I was struggling with some major sin issue in my life I would need to take time off to get things back together in my life. But don't think for one second that the image pastor's sometimes are forced to portray of perfection is true, because it's not. We all struggle with stuff and we all have sinned and gone astray. I love Life Church because I can be real with you, we believe in authenticity and that is something I value. In a book called Making Sense of Church the author Spencer Burk says this:
The church has trouble admitting we're sinners:
"As a culture, we've long since abandoned the idea of perfect leaders and perfect plans. When we see individuals and ideas presented in neat, airbrushed packages, we're cynical. ... The church, however, has been reluctant to admit this reality. Despite all our talk of sin and needing a Savior, we insist on looking like the exception. By fixing our attention on tightly worded tracts, well-executed programs, and other people's problems, we avoid having to see ourselves as we really are. People attending church today, however, have little patience for this kind of sanctified denial. Instead, we hunger for a place where honesty and authenticity are embraced." (37)

I thank God for my Church, and I thank God for his grace on all of us!

Jesus said "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?"

"No one, sir," she said.
"Then neither do I condemn you," Jesus declared. "Go now and leave your life of sin."
John 6
Let's all work at abandoning our lives of sin, but let's not throw stones either!



Beth said...

good word!

. said...

You're right PJ, the life of a pastor is a higher calling. But we are to blame as well. We shouldn't put our pastors up on that high pedestal. I sometimes think we put our trust in our pastor... instead of the author and finisher of our faith.

Oh, my...SO many Christians are living in the "bondage" of perfection. Judging others on the basis of God's word...saying one thing and doing another. It's about time the church woke up to their humanity, after all each one of us gets up and goes to the washroom in the morning. ;-P

I am glad I have been set free from that mind set (yes, I used to think like that)and I am so glad to be a part of Life Church, where we can be ourselves, pimples and all.

Anonymous said...

wow i really like that, I know all about the people thinking your perfect if you are a pastor...although my dad was not a pastor my dad was a leader in the church and the head of the board and all the people in the church expected me to be a perfect little girl, i think that made me want to rebel more....

I agree with you on every point!! Good word!!

Pastor Jamie said...

I love you guys your the best :)