Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Soak yourself!

So we have started our once a month SOAK prayer times here at Life Church and the first one was great! However people have been asking me what they should do until the next one. Because SOAK is only once a month, it isn't frequent enough to be your only prayer time. (That's the point) SOAK is designed to add to your already existent prayer life, not to be your prayer life. So this morning I wanted to give you some tips on how to have your own personal SOAKing time everyday:

- Find a quiet place - A peaceful environment helps you to become peaceful on the inside.
-Listen to worship music - You may want to use quiet instrumental or quiet worship music.
-Quiet down your busy thoughts - Initially your thoughts can be racing all over, but know that the Lord is with you. Turn your attention to Him. Wait for your thoughts to settle.
-Invite the Holy Spirit to come and soak you in His presence - Surrender your mind, body and soul in prayer to the Holy Spirit. Humble yourself before Him.
-Focus on the Lord’s presence - Open your heart to God. You are learning to abide in Him. You are learning to focus on Him and His presence.
-Rest in faith and believe that God is working within you - It isn’t about what you can accomplish through your efforts; it’s about what God is doing in you.
-Give time to soaking in God’s presence - The more time you can spend in His presence, the better. Start with 20 minutes in His presence. You will find as you do this, in a very short time you will want to spend more time in His presence.
-Watch as God changes you - You will leave refreshed and full of the Holy Spirit. Your life will be different because God is changing you through soaking in His presence. You will have an impact on the world around you as you carry God’s presence with you wherever you go.

If you spend time SOAKing in God everyday it will transform you:
“Intimacy with God is the key to fruitfulness in every area of our lives. As we become more aware of His presence in us… so do other people. As we become more affected by His presence in us… so do those around us. By taking time in the secret place with God, we start to walk by the spirit in everyday life. We find that rather than striving to achieve things for God, He is building His kingdom through us.” CTF ministries

So what's stopping you? Go ahead and have your own time with God, it really is life Changing. Oh and by the way, our next Life Church SOAK prayer is February 25th at 6:30pm with the worship team from Mondays in Hamilton.

PJ <><

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