Friday, March 23, 2007

Physic Moms

Yesterday I had the most interesting moment. Andrew was attending a play group and I had to take him to it because Shannon was busy. So once the kids go into their program all the parents go into their own little group. So hear I am with about 7 other moms. (can somebody say awkward!) So anyway today there was nothing planned for the parents so I decided to read a great book called the Reformission by Mark Driscol. So I'm reading my book and Mark was writing about how we as believers have to enter the messy world of non-believers if we are ever going to reach other people. He was talking about some of his experiences he has had being in awkward situations as a believer among people that weren't. As I'm reading, my attention is drawn to the conversation the other moms are having. They were talking about physics. Over half of them were into calling physics or going to different spiritual conventions in Toronto. One lady had just been to a conference with a series of speakers all of which were mediums or intuatives.

I found this really interesting because they were describing what went on at these events. If I'm being honest it sounded allot like some prophetic conferences I have been to in the past. I was intrigued that the speaker would sense things and then call things out in peoples lives. The lady that was speaking had been convinced that this person was talking about her grandfather. She said she went in with doubts but came out convinced that this was legit.

Just as they were talking the kids came running out to their parents and the conversation quickly ended. I had one thought as I sat among these moms. Wow,we've got allot of work to do.

We need to be salt and light in this world that is full of rotting lives that live in the dark. God send me back to the physic moms so that I can lead them to Jesus.

Be the Church

PJ <><

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