Tuesday, October 17, 2006

The Blank Canvas

Well here we are in our season of new things and today is the first day of our blogotional!

There have been so many great things happen in the Life of our church over the past few months that I have to say, God is really blessing us right now. Sunday was great, but to be honest now I'm really excited to see what God is going to do.

I really been thinking about what I should write about being the first blog. I feel in my heart that I want to talk about a blank Canvas.

I remember an artist once telling me that they had the most amazing feeling when they would stand in front of a blank Canvas because of the potential it had to become the most amazing piece of art that has ever been created!

Today I have that blank canvas feeling, it's a feeling of excitement mixed with nervous tension because the potential is there for success and the potential is there for failure to, but most of all there is this feeling of freedom, freedom to create something new, and that is how I feel about life church and the blogotional, and even my little family.

There are so many directions we could go, and so many good things that we could do as a church and as individuals how do you know which decisions are the right ones? When an artist paints a picture, how do they know that there brush stroke is going to look right and add to the picture that are painting? Especially the first few strokes.

The reality is that when you start something new there is an element of risk, but that is what makes it exciting. It's alot more exciting then just copying someone else's painting.

In your life maybe God is challenging you to do something that has never been done before and you wonder what you should do. What is it going to look like?

I think you should take on the challenge, because at some point we all have to do something new, something never done before, or life would just be full of copies and there would never be anything original. That sounds really boring to me!

"The definition of insanity is to do the same thing and expect different results"

In the Bible Jesus says "I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. " Jn 14:12

The painter paints from his heart and he sees the painting in his mind before it ever hits the Canvas. We as Christian's have a connection directly to God through what Jesus did for us on the cross, and he gives us a vision of what we should do before it ever becomes reality the question is do we have the trust and courage to do it?

I guess I'm thinking about this because at Life Church we are trying really hard to do things differently, and even this blogotional is something new, the first stroke of the brush on what we hope will be a great original piece of art.

I'm really excited because I think this canvas will turn into something great as long as we hear from the master painter and have the courage to paint!

Are you ready to grab a brush and paint?



Beth said...

ok that is just so weird - I JUST started reading Rob Bell's book Velvet Elvis and he is talking about our lives as paintings - are you reading this too?

Pastor Jamie said...

I have read that book before, but I thought my material was original.
Rob Bell is a great Author I recommend any of his stuff.

. said...

Let's go!

Pastor Jamie said...

Patty your the best. Just to let you know I had a meeting with another pastor Today and He said the exact same thing to me. So this confirms what he said. Isn't God cool!!