Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Christmas Spam!

I hate spam! I get at least one hundred spam emails a day! Now I must admit that most of those emails go to my bulk box and I never see them, but once and a while they get through. I think my least favorite type of spam is the bate and switch spam. The ones that when you first open them they look like an email, but then they switch to an advertisement about stock. Honestly why would someone do this as a form of advertising? Who in their right mind would want to invest their money into a stock option that was advertised through spam? Even if the product was legitimate, the advertising would make it seem fake.

Sometimes in the church we have been guilty of spam marketing. We have been masters of the Bait and Switch method. We put on an event and advertise it as a fun event with free food and lots of fun. So people come expecting that, but then once we get people in the doors, we tell them about how they need God or else they are going to hell.

Now the gospel is the greatest truth that could ever be shared, but sometimes we cheapen it and even cause mistrust towards Christianity by our spam!

Make sure that you share the truth in love this Christmas. The best way to share the gospel with people is through relationships. So have someone to your house this year, not to convert them, but simply to love them. Someday you will have the opportunity to share your faith, but don't force it, let the Holy Spirit do His work.

Don't send out spam this Christmas!


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