Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Bad Timing?

I was in the line up for Tim Horton's today on King St. when all of a sudden I was hit with a commercial. The commercial was for Dairy Queen's newest Ice Cream Bar.

It was -21 degrees, and a thought came to me. Who was the genius that decided to market a new ice cream treat in early February? I would go Donald Trump on that person and they would be fired?

It also made me think of another picture. The guy who was standing on a milk crate preaching on Spadina Rd. in Toronto. People were busy going to and from work and he was telling them to get rid of all the sin in their lives.

Now I'm not a big Soap Box preacher myself, but if you were to go retro and do that wouldn't the love and grace message be more fitting. I'm not a marketing expert but, telling a bunch of people in a hurry how bad they are, isn't going to draw a crowd. It might just draw and egg aimed at your head.

People are people and they need to hear about the love of Christ. My Dad used to say, "You've got to catch the fish before you clean them."

Matthew 22 says the greatest thing you can do is love God completely, then show other people love." I think that message is always appropriate!

Happy Valentine's Day, buy your sweety some Dairy Queen, I hear they have this really great new ice cream bar!

PJ <><

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