Thursday, February 08, 2007

Just Cause?

On Sunday I'm starting a new series on commitment here at Life Church. This Sunday I'm talking about the word love. The word Love is used so many different ways in the English language, and we are going to explore what kind of love you should have for Christ.
However in studying up for this sermon, I've come across a few words that have double meaning in our language. Words like run. You can run a race, you can have a run in your stockings, and right now my computer is running. All these are the word run but really they have different meanings.
There is one phrase I want to Blog about that is the phrase Just Cause. There are two meanings to this phrase that are almost by-polar opposites. Let me show you what I mean:

I'm doing this because it's a just cause. ( I'm doing this because it's stand for justice, and I believe in it.) OR

I'm doing this just 'cause (I'm involved in this activity because I have nothing better to do)

The two phrases are almost exactly the same yet the have completely different meanings.
Why do you do the things you do. We live in a world that worships entertainment, we spend hours a day doing stuff so that we're not bored. Yet, Volunteerism numbers have dramatically dropped, because people say that they are too busy. I think we need to re-evaluate our lives and how we spend our time. Are we living for Just Cause or are we living Just 'Cause.

Make your life count for something, or else you'll live for nothing!

"In all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

PJ <><

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