Thursday, February 22, 2007

In God we trust

I'm sure you already know that on every piece of U.S. currency the phrase in God we trust is inscribed on it. I always used to think that was a way of declaring to the citizens that this country believes in God. However in preparing for this week sermons I think it is interesting that they put In God we Trust on Money. I would suggest that most people probably trust money more then God.
Money promises you security, Significance and freedom, but in actual fact on God can provide these things. Only God can truly give you eternal security, on God can make you have significance by being his child, and only God can give you true freedom.

I know a lot of well off people who live scared of being robbed. I know a lot of rich people that still feel they need to make more money to really be noticed, and I know A lot of rich people that may have money but they aren't free because they have to maintain and make more money.

The love of money is the root of all evil, and God says in Matthew that you can't serve both God and money, so you need to decide who are you going to serve.

Money isn't evil, but the love of it will end up destroying anyone.

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